Dildos are available in many different designs, and it's possible that you own and use one of these sex toys on occasion. You may reach a point that you want to make a change, which means that it's time to begin evaluating what other toys are on the market. One category to consider is realistic dildos, which get their name from having a similar appearance to a penis. If you haven't experienced this type of sex toy, you may wish to browse some options at your local adult retailer and find a product that appeals to you. Here are some times that you may wish to switch to a realistic dildo.

Another Design Isn't Arousing

For many people, playing with a sex toy can be a time to use the imagination. For example, you may spend time with your dildo while imagining that it belongs to a person who is making love to you. When you have a dildo that doesn't have a realistic design — perhaps it's a vibrant colour or has a unique shape — this type of fantasy may be a challenge. If you find that your current dildo isn't helping you to get aroused to your desired level, a change may be necessary. In such a situation, you could find that the look and feel of a realistic dildo is more suitable for you.

A Partner Is Often Away

Some people choose to buy and use a realistic dildo when their partner is away for long stretches of time. If you have a significant other who travels a lot for work or is perhaps in the military and will be leaving for a lengthy deployment, you might like the idea of using a realistic sex toy to make you think of your partner. Switching to this type of toy — perhaps looking for a design that has a close resemblance to your partner's body — may be enjoyable to use while they're away from home.

You Want A Different Feel

You may want to switch to a realistic dildo simply because you're looking for a toy that has a different feel. The realistic product will often feel different than a non-realistic dildo, thanks to the fact that the former design has a head and may also have veins and other lifelike elements — all of which can be lacking in other designs. Visit your local adult toy retailer or browse its website to look at its selection of realistic dildos or other women's sex toys until you find one that will work for you.
